
Third Post (test)

♥ It is okay to reparent myself with thoughtfulness.
♥ It is okay to not know everything.
♥ It is okay to think about things differently than my family.
♥ It is okay to feel angry.
♥ It is okay to dream and have hope.
♥ It is okay to have fun and celebrate.
♥ It is okay to detach with love.
♥ It is okay to trust myself.
♥ It is okay to make mistakes and learn.
♥ It is okay to know who I am.
♥ It is okay to work an ACA program.
♥ It is okay to not take care of others when I think.
♥ It is okay to seek my own Higher Power.
♥ It is okay to cry when I watch a movie or hear a song.
♥ It is okay to give myself a break.
♥ It is okay to explore and say, “I like this or I like that.”
♥ It is okay to ask someone to show me how to do things.
♥ It is okay to know another way to live.
♥ It is okay to say I love myself.
♥ It is okay to say “I don’t know.”
♥ It is okay to say I am an adult child.
♥ My feelings are okay even if I am still learning how to distinguish them.
♥ It is okay to say no without feeling guilty.

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