With this document we wish to give information about our Intergroup 728 “Fellow World Travelers“.

An Intergroup is formed by several ACA meetings and plays a vital role in carrying the ACA message to the still-suffering adult child. When an Intergroup is formed by local ACA meetings it works in a given geographical area.  Our Intergroup (IG) is an IG for virtual meetings represented on the website www.acafellowworldtravelers.com and therefore has no geographical boundaries. The meetings are open for fellows from all over the world.

Our IG is officially registered with the number 728 on the website www.adultchildren.org of the ACA World Service Organisation. The name of our IG „Fellow World Travelers“ (FWT) has been chosen by the fellows attending the attached meetings.

It is often beneficial for meetings to group together as an Intergroup to provide common services for all meetings, rather than each meeting duplicating the same services. FWT does this by providing the website www.acafellowworldtravelers.com and the Zoom accounts.

Intergroups play a vital role in carrying the ACA message to the still-suffering adult child through public outreach. The Intergroup assists both newcomers and their associated meetings by directing newcomers to those meetings. FWT does this by providing the website www.acafellowworldtravelers.com.

The meetings attached to FWT are united by the feature that they are open for fellows from all over the world. The name of the Intergroup “Fellow World Traveler” stands for it. In the meetings fellows can meet fellows from all over the world and can experience that the ACA Traits as well as the ACA Promises apply all over the world and ACA provides a home for all of us.

The individual ACA  meetings are autonomous from IG and conduct their own group business. IG provides help and asstistance to the meetings in the way the meetings agree on it. The meetings in turn are encouraged to provide willing trusted servants to do the good work of ACA at the Intergroup level. The meetings can select a meetings representative to present the meeting at Intergroup meetings. They act as a liaison between the meetings and the Intergroup, gathering and sharing information.

FWT has a chair and a treasurer. We meet monthly with the representatives of the meetings in a business meeting where decisions are taken by group conscience. A Tech Team constisting of fellows is taking care of the website, Zoom account, WhatsApp Group and Slack channel.

We invite each virtual meeting to be part of FWT. There are no preconditions for an ACA meeting to be part of FWT.

If you decide to be part of FWT we invite you to attach your registered meeting on the adultchildren.org website to FWT. Every meeting is invited to send a representative or observer to our monthly business meetings and to provide us with a  – as far as possible – stable email address to stay in contact.

All ACA groups or online meetings that would like to join ACA Fellow World Travelers – ACA Intergroup IG#728 for mutual help and support are more than welcome
