
Fellow World Travelers

Intergroup 728
Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (ACA)

International English-speaking group of online ACA meetings

hey : Au5

Next IG728 Business Meeting
on Zoom
Tuesday Sept 3, 2024 at 8 pm CET

All meetings are invited to send a representative or an observer.
All members (attenders) are invited to come, observe and make suggestions.

Meeting ID: 891 0710 2460; Password: 487534

Early Risers Meeting

During August the Early Risers meetings will be held from Monday - Friday only. Saturday and Sunday meetings will resume in September, providing there are sufficient service team members to cover the roles. If you would like to offer service at the ER meetings, please email

Early Risers Meeting

During August the Early Risers meetings will be held from Monday - Friday only. Saturday and Sunday meetings will resume in September, providing there are sufficient service team members to cover the roles. If you would like to offer service at the ER meetings, please email


Welcome to ACA

Adult Children of Alcoholics®/ Dysfunctional Families
Fellow World Travelers is an International online ACA group of English speaking online meetings


Fellow World Travelers international Online group.
We are an International online ACA group.

ACA for inner peace and serenity.

Success in ACA is not measured with money or social status, but with inner peace and serenity. We share our experience, strength and hope with each other as we laugh together, cry together and know that we are home.

“To Find Your True Self”


Meeting List

All Meetings are in English and use Zoom. When asked for a password Fellow World Travelers meetings use the same password 711, unless otherwise specified. Please check the meeting description, or just click on the meeting link on this page and no password will usually be needed, because the password is already embedded in the link.

Most Fellow World Travelers meetings are audio only, do not use the video function unless it is written in the meeting info.
See below for Zoom, top tips and best practices.

Please click here for the Quick Meeting List, or scroll down for a full meeting list with meeting descriptions and relevant downloads.

Meeting Time shows CET (or CEST). This link may be helpful:

Time Zone Converter


Monday morning

06:00 am CEST Early Risers (Reparenting / Loving Parent)

Audio meeting

Meeting ID: 828-6614-9258; Password: 711

In this time of uncertainty, reparenting can help us be in the solution of becoming our own loving parent. This is an important step for us as we develop our own identity that is different than our dysfunctional family role. The roles are family hero, scapegoat, lost child, or some other role. With The Solution, we are on our own, but we are not alone as we were when we were children. We have our ACA group, the fellowship, and a Higher Power to rely upon. With help and support, we learn what it means to be a Loving Parent to ourselves.

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

Monday lunch

Noon CEST Self-Love with readings from chapter 15 Beyond Survival: Practicing Self-Love, Strengthening My Recovery and other approved ACA literature )

Video Optional meeting

Meeting ID: 879-3057-1435; Password: 711

We cannot address the issue of self-love without examining some of the confusion surrounding this important spiritual principle. On one side, there are those who argue that self-love always leads to the slippery slope of narcissism. In this line of thinking, self-love is cast as self-absorption. These critics usually cannot define self-love because they are too absorbed in saying what it is not. They liken self-love to Narcissus, the character of Greek mythology who “fell in love” with his own image. Transfixed by the pool, gazing at himself, Narcissus dies emotionally and physically due to his inability to connect with another person or God. This is not self-love.

Narcissism and self-love often get linked together, but these two concepts could not be more different. One is self-absorption while the other is self-awareness. The person who practices true self-love cannot be narcissistic. The practicing narcissist can never know self-love.

Click for: Monday lunchtime script updated Mar2024
Click for: Trial Monday lunchtime script updated Jan2024

Monday evening

6pm CEST (Big Red Book Chapter 14 Study – “ACA in a Workplace”)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 820-6458-4162; Password: 711

By practicing ACA outside of meetings, we can avoid recreating our family of origin at work. We can avoid being a victim, a hero, or the invisible employee who is rarely noticed and passed over for pay raises. Without working our program, we can easily take the patterns and roles we learned at home and apply them in the workplace. We risk taking our parental programming and our false attitudes about ourselves into our working life. Even if we don’t work full-time, looking at ACA traits in the workplace can help improve our interaction in other groups or social settings. We may work part-time or have a position in a volunteer, charitable, or worship group. We may be retired and be part of a recreational group. The personality types that can be difficult for us will likely show up whenever and wherever we interact with others on a regular basis. This chapter on ACA experience in the workplace will help us focus on our program and improve our behavior in relationships wherever we go.

Click for: ACA in the Workplace February 2024 Script (pdf)
Click for: ACA in the Workplace February 2024 Script (docx)

Click here to download the workplace Laundry List Exercise(s)
Click here to download “ACA in the Workplace” handout
Click here for Business Meeting Notes


Tuesday morning

6am CEST Early Risers (Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 840-9937-2668; Password: 711

Through reparenting, we challenge our inner critic by reminding ourselves of our strong points. By doing so, we realize that we are not as bad as we thought we were nor are we as noble. We have a balance of positive and problematic traits that we are learning to accept or to address.

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

Tuesday lunch

noon CEST Strengthening My Recovery

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 839-5786-4261; Password: 711

We read from the Daily Meditation Book. Those who contributed to this meditation book shared their experience, strength and hope as part of their recovery journey. Thus, each reading offers a snapshot of how some of our members, from many different backgrounds, undersatand and experience their recovery at this particular point in time.

Click here for Trial Meeting script Mar 2024
Click here for Meeting script Oct 2023
Click here for the Daily Reading

Tuesday evening

6pm CEST ACA’s daily meditation – Strengthening My Recovery

Audio only meeting

(Regular) Meeting ID: 897-5666-7090; Password: 711

(Temporary) Meeting ID: 891 0710 2460; Password: 487534

Strengthening My Recovery is written by and for the Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families Fellowship. With 365 daily shares, each paired with a meaningful quotation from the ACA Fellowship Text, this meditation book will inspire its readers.

Click here for daily meditation


Wednesday morning

6am CEST Early Risers (Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 824-1755-4426; Password: 711

With emotional sobriety, reparenting ourselves becomes a reality in our lives.With the Steps and by reparenting ourselves, we can further remove the “buttons” that have been pushed by others to manipulate us or to get a reaction out of us. Through a Loving Parent inside, we gain greater independence from codependence. We find the skills and support we need to become independent adults.

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

Wednesday morning second cup

9am CEST (Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 838-8375-1659; Password: 711

“The ACA Solution is that we become our “own loving parent.” Becoming our own loving parent involves seeing our “biological parents as the instruments of our existence.” As The Solution states: “Our actual parent is our Higher Power, whom some of us choose to call God.”

The Fellowship Text chapter 8 is entitled “The Solution: Becoming Your Own Loving Parent”, however, the concepts of loving parent and inner child are interwoven throughout the ACA program and literature.

Wednesday lunch

12 Noon CEST The Laundry Lists 4×4 Meeting

Video Optional meeting

Meeting ID: 832-7117-6274; Password: 711

There are 4 sides to the Laundry List Traits, common traits of those who experienced dysfunctional caregivers. ACA experience shows that the Laundry List and Other Laundry List are survival traits developed by an abused or neglected child. The mind developed the Laundry List Traits and Other Laundry List traits or the false self in order to survive. This continues to affect the adult in problematic ways that our fellowship understands and addresses.

The Laundry List and Other Laundry List are descriptions not indictments.

Click here for the Trial Meeting Script
Click here for the Meeting Script
Click here for Trait Quadrant first question

Wednesday evening

6pm CEST Big Red Book Chapter 7 Study – “The Twelve Steps of ACA”

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 828-7344-2714; Password: 711

Chapter 7 Study: introduces ACA newcomers to the ACA Steps and is a renewal for the experienced member to the Steps, and their various adaptations, have brought sure hope and a better way of life to those who desire change. In ACA, the Twelve Steps also bring recovery to our members who were not raised with addiction in the home. Our experience shows that these ACA members internalized the same abandonment and shame as children brought up in alcoholism or other addictions.

Click here for script html
Click for: older script

Wednesday evening

7pm CEST ACA Loving Parent Guidebook

Video Optional

Meeting ID: 810 2871 7466 Passcode: 711

Meeting together to read and apply the new ACA Loving Parent Guidebook. This is an open study group.

Click here to download or view the script for this meeting


Thursday morning

6am CEST Early Risers (Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 832-0464-8580; Password: 711

Through reparenting, we learn to use spiritual principles in our daily lives to replace old ways of thinking and reacting. The Solution states: “By gradually releasing the burden of unexpressed grief, we slowly move out of the past. We learn to reparent ourselves with gentleness, humor, love, and respect.”

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

Thursday lunch

12 noon CEST Loving Parent Guidebook

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 850-1726-4285; Password: 711

Parenting ourselves as children and reparenting ourselves as adults has important distinctions. We were alone as children, and we were forced to grow up too soon. We are not alone as we reparent ourselves in ACA. Through recovery, we use reparenting to connect with ourselves and others in a healthy manner.
Reparenting gives us a chance to reclaim our childhood years in a more supportive light. We can use reparenting to salvage our displaced childhood years. We can reclaim and restage those childhood years. We do not fictionalize our childhood, but we take the time to see how vulnerable, courageous, and loving we were as children.
Is possible to approach the work as if we are explorers on a journey?
It's okay to be unsure of the terrain; it's okay to get lost; it's okay to feel fear and dread about what lies ahead. It's okay to be wherever we are.

Click here for the Trial Meeting Script
Click here for the Meeting Script
Click here for the Apr 16 Minutes

Thursday evening

6pm CEST Reparenting /Loving Parent

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 810-8824-1579; Password: 711

Switches every week between the Laundry List Workbook or Big Red Book Chapter 19 Study -“ACA 12 Traditions”.

ACA Twelve Traditions Study: Our experience shows that ACA groups are strengthened when their members read and discuss the Twelve Traditions. It is commonly believed that the ACA Twelve Steps provide direction for the individual member, while the Twelve ACA Traditions provide comparable guidance to ACA groups and the service structure. The ACA Traditions outline fellowship unity, group autonomy, and the ultimate authority of ACA – a loving God – as expressed in our group conscience.

The Traditions offer wisdom on being self-supporting as a fellowship and on avoiding promotion when attracting new members. With the Twelve Traditions, we sustain ACA groups that allow the ACA Solution of reparenting one’s self to emerge and thrive. The Twelve Traditions can be found in Chapter Nineteen of the Fellowship Text also known as the Big Red Book or BRB. The ACA Twelve Traditions provide guidelines for group conduct just as the ACA Steps provide guidelines for individual recovery.

Click here to download the ACA Twelve Traditions
Click here to download the ACA Essentials

Thursday evening

8pm CEST Literature

People may use video

Meeting ID: 846-9669-4514; Password: 862230

ACA Fellowship Text was written by anonymous ACA members providing guidance on working the 12 Step ACA program leading to recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. This book is now often referred to as the “Big Red Book”, or “BRB”.

Contact Information:

Click here to download the ACA Essentials


Friday morning

6am CEST Early Risers ( Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 873-1777-2221; Password: 711

Parenting ourselves as children and reparenting ourselves as adults has important distinctions. We were alone as children, and we were forced to grow up too soon. We are not alone as we reparent ourselves in ACA. Through recovery, we use reparenting to connect with ourselves and others in a healthy manner. Reparenting also gives us a chance to reclaim our childhood years in a more supportive light. We can use reparenting to salvage our displaced childhood years. We can reclaim and restage those childhood years. We do not fictionalize our childhood, but we take the time to see how vulnerable, courageous, and loving we were as children. We can give ourselves the care we gave others. This is how we go forward in life by knowing where we came from and how we survived to get here.

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

Friday morning

8:30am CET Complex PTSD Meeting

People may use video

Meeting ID: 418 125 471 ; Password: 028589

We consider 'camera on' and listening (which means 'video on' is an individual's choice) is a means of service.
This is a raised VOICE meeting so there is no need to ask, or to raise your hand.
At this meeting we read ACA readings: Serenity Prayer, 12 traditions, Tony A steps and principles, Other or Laundry List alternating weeks.
In the meeting we read Pete Walker's 'Complex PTSD from Surviving to Thriving'

Click here for meeting script (doc)

Friday morning

9am CEST Finding Our True Self(Big Red Book Chapter 8 – The Solution: Becoming Your Own Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 847-2703-0570; Password: 711

While becoming our own Loving Parent is at the core of healing from a neglectful childhood, it is also the gateway to the child within. In addition to the ACA Twelve Steps, this is The ACA Solution. By reparenting ourselves with gentleness, humour, love and respect, we find our child within and true connection to a Higher Power.

In this meeting, we’ll be going through the following readings:
➢ Loving Parent ➢ The Inner Child – True Self ➢ Tools and Techniques for Connecting with Our Inner Child ➢ Identify Our Critical Parent ➢ ACA Experience: Loving Parent and Inner Child ➢ What is a Loving Parent? ➢ What is an Inner Child? ➢ How Does the Inner Child Connect with a Higher Power? ➢ How Many Inner Children Do You Have? ➢ How Did You Meet Your Inner Child? ➢ What Happened When You Meet Your Inner Child? ➢ How Does Your Inner Child Sabotage You? ➢ How Do I Build Trust with my Inner Child? ➢ How Do I Help my Inner Child Build Self-Esteem? ➢ How I Validate My Inner Child ➢ How I Negotiate With My Inner Child ➢ How I Celebrate My Inner Child ➢ Integrating My Inner Child With My Adult

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Worksheet

Friday lunch

12 noon CEST Loving Parent Guidebook

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 858-7140-2091; Password: 711

By becoming our own Loving Parent, we begin to take better care of ourselves. By learning the true qualities of a Loving Parent or reparenting, we recognize that the care we received from our biological parents was not healthy love. By reparenting ourselves, we accept that we have positive qualities. We stop the critical self-talk through affirmations and journaling. We learn to parent ourselves with a more loving voice inside.
To recover, we must take action coming from love.
Is it possible to approach the work as if we are explorers on a journey?

Click here for the Trial Meeting Script (April 2024)
Click here for the Meeting Script (Jan 2023)

Friday evening

6pm CEST ACA’s daily meditation – Strengthening My Recovery

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 883-9127-6031; Password: 711

Strengthening My Recovery is written by and for the Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families Fellowship. With 365 daily shares, each paired with a meaningful quotation from the ACA Fellowship Text, this meditation book will inspire its readers. 

Click here for the Daily Meditation - Strengthening My Recovery
Click here for script

Friday late evening

7:30pm CET ‘Recovery From Narcissistic Abuse’

Time Zone Converter

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 860 7045 2720; Password: email to

Narcissism is characterised by self-centredness, an excessive need for admiration/attention and an inability to understand, care about or empathise with other’s feelings. Some of the signs of narcissistic parenting include gaslighting, an intolerance of disobedience, controlling and criticising their children to maintain superiority. Adult children who have grown up with a narcissistic parent typically develop low self-worth, struggle with anxiety and depression, have difficulty trusting their own feelings or people as such, find emotional intimacy difficult, and engage in co-dependent relationships.

Cultivating a sense of our true selves and gradually rebuilding trust may lead to forming emotionally healthy relationships for adult children to heal from the traumatic effects of growing up with a narcissistic parent. 

Click here for script


Saturday morning

6am CEST Early Risers ( Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

During August the Early Risers meetings will be held from Monday - Friday only. Saturday and Sunday meetings will resume in September, providing there are sufficient service team members to cover the roles. If you would like to offer service at the ER meetings, please email

Saturday morning

9am CEST Big Red Book Step 1 study

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 818-3716-0287; Password: 711

Beginners meeting: Family dysfunction is a disease that affects everyone in the family. Taking a drink is not necessary to be affected. This is an ACA axiom, and it serves as a basis for our First Step. The effects of growing up in a dysfunctional family force us to develop survival traits that are known as The Laundry List (Problem). Since the disease of family dysfunction is generational, these traits also represent the internalization of our parents’ behavior. As much as we would like to deny it, we have become our parents. If we have succeeded in acting differently than them, we still passed on unwanted traits handed off to us by our parents. We unknowingly passed them on to our children.

Success in ACA is not measured with money or social status, but with inner peace and serenity. We share our experience, strength and hope with each other as we laugh together, cry together and know that we are home.

Click here for Saturday 9am script

Click for: reformatted Saturday 9am script

Saturday morning

11am CEST Reparenting /Loving Parent

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 835-9004-6441; Password: 711

Reparenting ourselves can mean many things, but the central theme is that we are willing to challenge our critical, inner voice and to care for the child within. By reparenting ourselves, we lose interest in harming ourselves with addictions and compulsions. We remind ourselves that we have worth. We do this as often as it takes without thought of the repetition or how it might sound to another person.

Click here for Saturday 11am Loving Parent script
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Worksheet

Saturday evening

5pm CEST Traditions

Meets every third Saturday of the month

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 868 3910 1017; Password: 027282

The ACA Traditions outline fellowship unity, group autonomy, and the ultimate authority of ACA - a loving God - as expressed in our group conscience. The Twelve Traditions guarantee simplicity in our primary purpose and in membership requirements for ACA. The Twelve Traditions … sustain ACA groups that allow the ACA solution of reparenting one's self to emerge and thrive. Group decisions that follow the Traditions and their intent have a signature that we learn to recognize … by adhering to the Traditions, we begin to see God’s footprint in our group decisions.

Welcome to our meeting on the ACA Traditions.

Click here to view and download The 12 Traditions
Click here for Saturday Evening Traditions script (doc)
Click here for Saturday Evening Traditions script (pdf)

Saturday evening

8pm CEST Big Red Book Chapter 13 Study

“Relationships: Applying What We Have Learned”

People may use video

Meeting ID: 825-6172-4424; Password: 711


As adults, most of us seemed to have relationships in which we dominated people or worshipped people. Most of us were discreet about these two extremes. But when we think about it, we can agree that we have been near one end or the other of these two positions. There seemed to be no middle ground or equality in our relationships with another person. Many of us thought we were either superior or inferior. We seemed to never feel like we were good enough for our friends or others

  • Laundry List trait 4: We either become alcoholics, marry them or both, or find another compulsive personality such as a workaholic to fulfill our sick abandonment needs
  • Other Laundry List trait 4: We dominate others and abandon them before they can abandon us or we avoid relationships with dependent people altogether. To avoid being hurt, we isolate and dissociate and thereby abandon ourselves.
  • Laundry List trait 5: We live life from the viewpoint of victims and we are attracted by that weakness in our love and friendship relationships.
  • Other Laundry List trait 5: We live life from the standpoint of a victimizer, and are attracted to people we can manipulate and control in our important relationships.
  • Laundry List trait 12: We are dependent personalities who are terrified of abandonment and will do anything to hold on to a relationship in order not to experience painful abandonment feelings, which we received from living with sick people who were never there emotionally for us.
  • Other Laundry List trait 12 We “manage” the massive amount of deprivation we feel, coming from abandonment within the home, by quickly letting go of relationships that threaten our “independence” (not too close).

Without ACA we remain in destructive or loveless relationships because we fear abandonment. The term “adult child” means that we respond to adult interactions with the fear and self-doubt learned as children. This undercurrent of hidden fear can sabotage our choices and relationships. We can appear outwardly confident while living with a constant question of our worth. Whatever our path, we found no lasting help until we found ACA.

In ACA we become willing to apply what we learn in the program to our daily lives and to relationships. We must be willing to apply the principles of the Steps and to reparent ourselves if we want to change. Moving away from codependent behavior and toward healthy relationships is one of the results of working the ACA program. We are not saying relationships become workable overnight, but they also are not as impossible as we once thought. For us, relationships can be a measuring stick for how well we have applied the ACA program in our lives.

Click for: Format of Meeting used by Chair
Click for: Ch13_BRB
Click for: Slides for Tech Host to display
Click for: Bill of Rights
Click for: Strengthening My Recovery (reading)


Sunday morning

6am CEST Early Risers ( Reparenting /Loving Parent)

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 851-1575-1109; Password: 711

Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop Handout
Click here for the Reparenting Check-In Workshop
Click here for the ACA Essentials
Click for: Early Risers script Jul2023
Click for: Early Risers script Sept2023

During August the Early Risers meetings will be held from Monday - Friday only. Saturday and Sunday meetings will resume in September, providing there are sufficient service team members to cover the roles. If you would like to offer service at the ER meetings, please email

Sunday morning

9am CEST Big Red Book Chapter 19 Study – “The Twelve Traditions of ACA”

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 858-6787-6612; Password: 711

ACA Twelve Traditions Study: Our experience shows that ACA groups are strengthened when their members read and discuss the Twelve Traditions. It is commonly believed that the ACA Twelve Steps provide direction for the individual member, while the Twelve ACA Traditions provide comparable guidance to ACA groups and the service structure. The ACA Traditions outline fellowship unity, group autonomy, and the ultimate authority of ACA – a loving God – as expressed in our group conscience. 

The Traditions offer wisdom on being self-supporting as a fellowship and on avoiding promotion when attracting new members. With the Twelve Traditions, we sustain ACA groups that allow the ACA Solution of reparenting one’s self to emerge and thrive. The Twelve Traditions can be found in Chapter Nineteen of the Fellowship Text also known as the Big Red Book or BRB.

The ACA Twelve Traditions provide guidelines for group conduct just as the ACA Steps provide guidelines for individual recovery.

Click here to download the ACA Twelve Traditions

Sunday morning

11am CEST Self Care Sunday

Audio only meeting

Meeting ID: 862-8449-8991; Password: 711

Our Self Care Sunday meeting is a nurturing space to focus on things we can do to care for ourselves while being our own Loving Parents. The meeting has a rotating schedule of readings from the ACA literature (The Big Red Book and Strengthening My Recovery) which can be found here, chosen by the group to help remind us of the nourishing and supportive practices we can engage in to support us all in our recovery and beyond. We look forward to seeing you and joining our loving re-parenting journey.

Click here for the meeting script
Click Today's reading
Click Reading schedule

Sunday evening

8pm CEST Awakening Our Loving Parent

People may use video

Meeting ID: 867-0843-5678; Password: 711

The Loving Parent Guidebook which explores, in practical terms, how to build this healing resource into your life. We read it together and we do the exercises together in the meeting. The book provides guidance on creating the conditions to reclaim your inner child and reparent yourself with gentleness, humor, love, and respect. You can apply everything you learn in this guidebook to parenting, interacting with children, and interacting with adults. When you become a friend to yourself, you’re naturally a friend to others.

The book is structured to help you access the love inside you and grow the awareness and skills you need to become your own loving parent:

  • In Chapters 1-9, Laying a Foundation for Reparenting, you will awaken your loving parent and identify and connect with your inner family.
  • Chapters 10-16, Deepening Your Reparenting Skills, help you deepen your reparenting skills to protect, nurture, support, and guide your inner family.
  • In Chapters 17-21, Nurturing a Loving Inner Home, you’ll connect more deeply with your inner family to build a loving inner home.
  • Chapter 22, Reparenting as a Way of Life, concludes the book with an example of how to approach reparenting as a way of life.

This guide includes many fellowship shares about reparenting and inner child work. To help you integrate reparenting into your daily life, the guide also includes:

  • Sample loving parent messages.
  • Exercises, questions for reflection, and guided practices.
  • Images by The Loving Parent Guidebook artist team that you can color.

In this meeting cams are optional, we share popcorn style and we go into break-out rooms so everyone gets the opportunity to share. Feel free to join us anytime.

Click here for the Daily Meditation


Most Fellow World Travelers meetings are audio only, please do not use the video function, unless it is written at the meeting information.
Time shows CEST (Central European Summer Time)
All Meetings are in English and the password is 711 unless otherwise specified.


We have one
group (WAG)

Whatsapp ACA NL Info Channel

ACA news & information channel

A news and info bulletin and FAQ channel for all things ACA. Please forward any ACA events, resources, etc. to an admin who will post it to the group.
Please see our website for our Zoom Online Meetings list in CET (Central European Time is GMT/UTC +1hour)

Link to this Whatsapp Group:


Helps Finding Your
“True Self”

7th Tradition or Donation - PayPal

This group is self supporting and relies fully on voluntary contributions from all of us to pay all the expenses. This group does the 7th tradition by having members make a donation into the Intergroup’s bank account. The funds are used to pay the zoom account, the website, get other online tools, and other costs. Contributions may be made by PayPal, by logging in to your Paypal account and using as the destination of your Paypal contribution.

Thank you!


ACA is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition support group focused on understanding the specific behavior and attitude patterns we developed while growing up in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional environment. These patterns continue to affect us today.

By attending regular meetings we come to a better understanding of our past so we can more effectively restructure our lives today. We begin to see more clearly what is positive and healthy in ourselves.

ACA is not a replacement for addicts working an abstinence program in other Twelve Step fellowships. However, Adult Children of Alcoholics is often the only program for many adult children recovering from the effects of alcoholism or other family dysfunction, including the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction. (Adapted from the ACA Fellowship textbook.)

Meetings are intended to be safe places where we can share our experience, strength and hope without judgement or criticism. We have the right not to share unless we are ready.

This program is grounded in spiritual guidance and not affiliated with any specific religion. We are individuals struggling through rigorous honesty to become the best we can be. We respect one another’s anonymity. Who we encounter at meetings and what they have said there is treated confidentially.

True emotional sobriety brings a connectedness to ourselves and to others. This connectedness in relationships is characterized by expressed feelings, trust, mutual respect, and an acknowledgment that a Higher Power is real. We realize we don’t need to chase after others to sooth our childhood fear of abandonment. We begin to see that we can bring our True Selves to a relationship. We have something to offer that is different than unhealthy dependence. This is what ACA recovery looks like.

We meet together to share our experience, strength, hope and fear; we offer friendship and understanding. We love one another in a very special way. We welcome you to join us.

Since each meeting is autonomous, and each meeting is a different experience, we recommend that you try as many different ones as possible before deciding if the ACA program can be helpful to you in your journey from discovery to recovery.

Keep coming back.


In becoming
“True Self”


“Why Using “I” Statements is So Important!”.

When sharing with an individual or as part of a group, using “I” statements can make a big difference. An “I” statement is sharing in the first person, as opposed to using words such as “we,” “they,” “us,” and “you.” At first, it may seem like an insignificant detail, but using third person statements is distancing and impersonal.

It can even be an attempt to subconsciously control others or place responsibility outside of oneself. Example: “When you get abused, it hurts you.” Change this to: “When I got abused, it hurt me.” Sharing in the first person promotes self responsibility by divulging information only about yourself. When you are tempted to use the generic “you,” “we,” etc., try to catch yourself and replace i with “I.”

You will be surprised how different it feels and how much more you and others get out of your share. It may feel uncomfortable at first. That’s because you are casting off your protective shield and revealing the real you. Remember:

  1. An “I” statement exercises my self control.
  2. “I” statements build my self respect while offering others a true opportunity to have a real relationship with me.
  3. Struggling with “I” statements will often reveal the hidden aspects of the issues at hand. If you truly want to disclose your feelings so that you and others can learn more about you, use an “I” statement!

Link to Using "I" statements


The help for
“True Self”

The Bill of Rights for Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

  1. I have the right to say no.
  2. I have the right to say, “I don't know.”
  3. have the right to detach from anyone in whose company I feel humiliated or manipulated.
  4. I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  5. I have the right to be wrong.
  6. I have the right to make mistakes and learn from them.
  7. I have the right to make my own choices and decisions in my life.
  8. I have the right to grieve any actual or perceived losses.
  9. I have the right to all of my feelings.
  10. I have the right to feel angry, including towards someone I love.
  11. I have the right to change my mind at any time.
  12. I have the right to a spiritually, physically, and emotionally healthier existence, though it may deviate entirely or in part from my parents' way of life.
  13. I have the right to forgive myself and to choose how and when I forgive others.
  14. I have the right to take healthy risks and to experiment with new possibilities.
  15. I have the right to be honest in my relationships and to seek the same from others.
  16. I have the right to ask for what I want.
  17. I have the right to determine and honor my own priorities and goals, and to leave others to do the same.
  18. I have the right to dream and to have hope.
  19. I have the right to be my True Self.
  20. I have the right to know and nurture my Inner Child.
  21. I have the right to laugh, to play, to have fun, and the freedom to celebrate this life, right here, right now.
  22. I have the right to live life happy, joyous, and free.


In finding
“True Self”

Call to Service for the online-meetings of is an International english-speaking ACA Intergroup that unites several ACA online-meetings. These meetings depend on fellows doing service as chair, secretary or host of a meeting or helping screen sharing or mic monitoring.

Doing service helps the meetings and your individual recovery since you gather valuable experience on your recovery journey.

If you would like to help and do service in any of the online-meetings, please let us know.

Please write to us at

Thank you.

Anonymity & Privacy

In keeping with Traditions of the program, and to protect the anonymity of others, we suggest that you participate from a quiet, private location where you will not be interrupted by anyone, including children, babies or pets. Please treat this as you would a face-to-face meeting. If this is not possible, we suggest the use of earphones so others on the call cannot be heard.

What you hear at each meeting should remain at that meeting. We do not talk about another person’s story or experiences to other people. Please respect the anonymity of those who share with us in the meetings.

Please read No Cross Talk here

Read our Steps, Traditions and Concepts here


To participate with the Zoom meetings is free. There is no need to register, no account needed, no invite needed, or sign up to join our Zoom meetings. Once Zoom is installed just click on – join a meeting – using the Zoom ID, or click on the Meeting ID of this website to startup Zoom to join the meeting of the current hour and day. You can download Zoom for clients from here.

Joining a Zoom meeting by phone only, using a traditional phone.

You can join a Zoom meeting by using a traditional phone. Dial an in-country number. If you dial a toll number, your carrier rates will apply. You can find the numbers on your meeting invitation or a full list of international dial-in numbers at:

You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID - the nine (9), ten (10), or eleven (11) digit ID provided by the meeting list here on this page, followed by # (hash, hash sign, pound sign or hashtag ).

Phone controls for participants, using a traditional phone. The following commands can be entered via DTMF tones using your phone's dial pad while in a Zoom meeting:
*6 - Toggle mute/unmute
*9 - Raise hand

Most FWT Zoom meetings are audio only, we do not use the video function. Group chat is available at the end of each meeting. Important Notice Please update your Zoom app when recommended

Click here for more information.

Online Meeting Best Practices

When using Zoom it’s best to quit all other programs, especially Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Facetime or other applications that use the internet, microphone and video.


Discovering the
“True Self”

ACA PSA’s ( Public Service Announcements)

These two audio Public Service Announcements are ready for distribution to radio stations, via the internet and anywhere audio mp3 files can be played for the public. The ACA World Service Organization asks that you update them with the contact info of the radio stations or other places where these are sent. Please submit this information to

WSO would like to know the name of the station or entity they are sent to, the contact person’s full name, the address including street, city, state, country, and zip if applicable. WSO also would like to have an email and/or phone number of the contact.

If anyone asks for a copyright release for the background music, please refer them to We have this information available in a blanket license. 15-and-30-second-audio-psas-now-available-for-download-and-distribution

Click here for the 15 Second ACA PSA (Public Service Announcement).


Click here for the 30 Second ACA PSA (Public Service Announcement).

All ACA groups or online meetings that would like to join ACA Fellow World Travelers – ACA Intergroup IG#728 for mutual help and support are more than welcome